Today was an important day for me. It was full of emotions, Biology, emotions again, but, I hope, it was worth it! Anyways, to brighten your day, I've choosen a complete list with 20 things you MUST do in life. Haha.
1. Give and receive happy maaaaaaail.
2. Write letters. 3. Read and share with your beloved ones pretty quotes. 4. Read in a place full of memories and inspiration. 5. Shhh! Don't forget to fly ;] 6. Share your feelings 7. Surprise the one you love. 8. Design your life exactely like your soul.
9. Colour people's smiles
10. Think high. 11. Do crazy things. 12. Be yourself. 13. Laugh out loud.
14. Dress like a doll. 15. Create. Dream at new worlds. Find yourself.
16. Be a good friend. 17. Be happy. 18. Be optimist.19. Love and trust.20. Live life in its substance. Let me know what you think, guys. See you later.
As I promised, I'm back with some surprises .I love, love, love, love pretty surprises, happy mail, unexpected text messages, cute e-mails, the smell of a new book in my hands, oh, and I can go on forever! Last week, Miss Katja surprised me with the sweetest mail . You know, it's all about her great "after christmas giveaway". Her mail made my heart melt and surrounded me with that kind of happiness that gives you wings .
Let me apologiese for not keeping my promise ;_; . It was around 11 PM when I wrote the previous post and, you now, I thought that I'll have some time to write something about New Years late in the night:D Unfortunately, I didn't and all the upcoming days were busy and happy like craaazy.To say some impressions, in the las few moments of 2009 I cried, I've laughed, I hoped and I dreamt. It was pure magic how 2010 came with all that joy and surprise. We were on a hill ouside my town, where all the fireworks could be seen <3 style="font-size:85%;">Anyways, on 31st December I made a box where I put lots of pieces of paper, where I wrote down my wishes. Shhh. They are absolutely secret.See? That heart is actually a hole in the box. I really hope that on the 31st December 2010 I'll come and say: "All my wished came true in thi wonderful year", so, pretty please, cross your fingers :D Also, I started a little pretty project, called "The quote of the day". I'm trying hard to find the time to post a quote for every single day. It's sooo fun. I wish I wasn't that busy.
Aw, and I told you I won Katja's giveaway? Yeah, I guess I didn't. It really made my day and, so far, my year. She's an amazing girl. I want to meet her sooo bad, even I'm a shy person. I'll post photos with her heavenly cute creations soon <3.>